Tupou Tertiary Institute Students’ Association (TTISA)
In the beginning of every school year all registered students are required to form the TTI Student Association in which they choose office bearers – (President, Secretary and Treasurer). Office bearers and representatives elected from each programme of study will form the Students’ council.
The TTISA council under the guidance of the Manager Staff and Student Affairs is responsible for all students’ affairs, student related activities and assist with the maintenance and cleaning of the campus.
Students’ Committees
TTISA is responsible for forming of students’ committees, which provide students with opportunities to participate effectively in various extra curricula activities managed by the Staff and Student affairs section. These committees provide the basis for students to learn about team-work, sharing of ideas, leadership and relevant skills required in the work place. Team leaders are required to submit reports to the TTISA and Students’ council monthly meetings.
TTISA fund
This is a compulsory fee of $10 per semester that is included in the registration fee. Each registered student (full time and part time) must pay the TTISA fee. The TTISA fund is used for student related activities approved by the Manager Staff and Student affairs. The fund is managed by the TTISA and the Manager Staff and Student Affairs.
Student Learning Services
At TTI, we are committed to our students’ success. We, therefore, offer a range of services to meet the learning needs of individual students. These include one-to-one and small group assistance, peer tutoring and study skills sessions on a variety of topics. We work with our students to develop new skills and improve existing ones such as Planning and Time Management, Mind maps, Making notes, Reading skills, Proof reading, Writing skills, APA references, Peer and group tutoring, Exam preparation and Presentation skills.
If you need assistance with the above, please contact the Learning Centre staff for instructions.
There is also a helpdesk that provides students with the following services; Telephone, Printing, Photocopying, Internet access and services, Power point projector, Classroom booking and Study related materials eg. Markers, etc.
You will be required to pay a small service fee for some of the above services.
TTI Student Association Representatives 2013